Degola Paolo, PT

paolo degola

  • Date (from – to) • From 1/09/2007 to present private physiotherapy center Fisiokinè network (

• From 1/09/2007 to 31/03/2008 “Nursing home Paralupi” Guastalla

• From 1/09/2007 to 31/03/2008 “Nursing home Agorà” Guastalla

• From 26/03/2007 to 31/08/2007 – from 14/02/2005 to 17/03/2006 San Sebastiano Hospital Correggio

• From 27/11/2006 to 23/03/2007 – from 17/07/2006 to 17/09/2006 – from 20/03/2006 to 5/06/2006 – from 3/05/2004 to 12/02/2005 LAM (Movement analysis laboratory) San Sebastiano Hospital Correggio

• From 22/01/2007 to 20/03/2007 private physiotherapy center “San Simone” Correggio

• From 5/12/2006 to 23/03/2007 “CFP” Italia, formation in olistic therapy Modena

• From 18/01/2003 to 31/03/2004 private physiotherapy center “nuovo benessere” Guastalla

• Name and adress of center owners or referents (for privacy reason i use only the name and city) • Anis, Piazzale Finzi 2 Correggio RE Fisiokinè network

• Vania, Guastalla RE “Nursing home Paralupi” Guastalla

• Vania, Guastalla RE “Nursing home Paralupi” Guastalla

• Guido, AUSL, San Sebastiano Hospital Correggio RE

• Isabella, LAM (Movement analysis laboratory) Parma

• Enrico, private physiotherapy center “San Simone” Correggio

• Claudio, formation in holistic therapy Modena

• Enrico, private physiotherapy center “nuovo benessere” Guastalla

• enterprise typology • Private Physiotherapy center Fisiokinè

• Nursing home Paralupi

• Nursing home Agorà

• Hospital San Sebastiano Correggio

• LAM (Movement Analisys laboratory) Hospital San Sebastiano

• Private Physioterapy center San Simone

• CFP italia holistic terapy formation

• Private Physiotherapy center “nuovo benessere”

• work typology Physiotherapist

• Main Activities and responsibilities • Physiotherapy staff responsible

• manual, orthopaedic and sports Phsyioterapy

• Resercher physiotherapy in Muscle lenght, gait analysis and surface EMG signals

• Teacher of massages thecniques for CFP italy


• Date (da – a) • 2013 post-graduated Course and Diploma in Modern Orthopaedic Medicine (ETGOM.)

• 2012-2013 post- graduated Certificate in Ortopedic Manual Therapist (C.O.M.T) Ola Grimsby Institute (USA)

• 2011-2012 post-graduated Mulligan concept formation (A-B-C course) Mulligan

• 2011 post-graduated Neuro-orthopedic institute formation (explain pain, 1 level) Noi group

• 2006-2012 post-graduated McKenzie formation (A-B-C-D-E course and update workshops) McKenzie institue

• 2003-2005 first Orthopaedic Medicine Course (1-2-3-4 stage) AIFI italia

• 1998-2002 Graduated in Physioterapy

• 1993-1998 high school Diploma in Accountant and Business

• Name and typology of education or formation • European Teaching group of Orthopaedic Medicine (ETGOM)

• Ola Grimsby Institute Consortium in Manual Therapy

• Modena and Reggio Emilia University of Physiotherapy

• Commercial-Tecnical state institute (high school)

• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered by the study • Orthopaedi Medicine Cyriax, deep trarverse massage, manipulation

• Manual therapy, scientific therapeutic exercises progression, manipulations, clinical problem solving

• Mobilization with movement

• Neurodinamic

• McKenzie method for back and articular problem

• Physiotherapy

• Business and Accounting skills

• Qualification Awarded • Post graduated Diploma in Orthopaedic Medicine

• Post graduated Certificate in Orthopedic Maual Therapist

• Graduated Physioterapist

• Commercial expert (high school diploma)



Good organizational skills gained in many years of work and coordination in hospital and private physiotherapy center fields, between different operator typologies (doctors, nurses, osteopaths, physiotherapists.)


Specializes in the most popular and well-known fields of manual therapy, my interest and expertise field, I have always worked in clinical field and for a certain period of my working life I’ve done the teacher in massage tecniques and researcher in the field of surface electromyographic collaborating with “Laboratory of movement analysis” (LAM) and the “Engineering Laboratory of the Neuromuscular System and Motor Rehabilitation “(Lisin) Polytechnic of Turin.


. Articles presented at conferences:

Campanini I., Merlo A., Degola P., Merletti R., Vezzosi G., Farina D.; “Effect of electrode location on EMG signal envelope in leg muscles during gait”, XVI Congress of the international society of electrophysiology and kinesiology, Torino, 28/6/2006-1/07/2006

Campanini I., Merlo A., Degola P., Camelia F., Farina D., Merletti R., Vezzosi G.; “Emg signal envelope depends on electrode location in gait”, proceedings of VI SIAMOC (Italian society of clinical Gait analysis) National Congress, 10/ 2005

Campanini I., Merlo A., Degola P., Farina D., Merletti R., Vezzosi G.; “Muscle fibre shortening in a patient affected by upper motor neurone sindrome ” Case Study proceedings of VI SIAMOC (Italian society of clinical Gait analysis) National Congress, 10/ 2005

Campanini I., Ballotta A., Merlo A., Degola P., Farina D., Vezzosi G., Merletti R.; “Analisys of the properties of the muscle with hypertone using surface EMG electrodes row”, proceedings of V National Congress SIAMOC (Italian society of clinical Gait analysis), Catania 22-25/10/2003

Campanini I., Degola P., Ballotta A., Merlo A., Montecchi MG., Irali P., Farina D., Merletti R., Vezzosi G.; “Single motor unit properties analysis using surface EMG in muscles of subjects affected by spasticity” Clinical Neurophysiology, proceedings of SINC (Italian society of clinic neurophysiology) National Congress Firenze 8-10/06/2003